David Orrego-Carmona holds a B.A. in Translation from the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), and an M.A. and a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. During his doctoral studies he held a research grant from the Intercultural Studies Group at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and also taught translation to undergraduate students at the same university. He then held a postdoctoral grant in Bloemfontein, South Africa. He currently teaches at Aston University in Birmingham.
The Reception of Non-Professional Subtitling
Supervisor: Anthony Pym
Research summary
The proposed study sets out to investigate the reception of professional and non-professional subtitling. It focuses on TV series produced in the United States and distributed in Spain and Hispanic American countries. The research aims at answering the question: do professional and non-professional subtitle differences affect the audience's reception? This study is particularly compelling because it deals at the same time with the reception of both professional and non-professional subtitles, and locates users in the center of the discussion. It intends to explore the way how users look at these two types of subtitles and to correlate the audience's reception with the audiovisual product, the features of the subtitles and the production conditions. By using a combined method of simultaneous and consecutive data collection techniques (eye-tracking and questionnaires), the project aims to understand people's reaction to the product and the repercussion it has on them. The triangulation of the data obtained through the different instruments will offer the means to compare and validate the findings, ensuring the measurement reliability of the results. The findings of this research will shed some light on the reception of the audiovisual product and will also possibly help understanding the expectations users build when they watch subtitled audiovisual products.
2014. "Subtitling, Video consumption and Viewers: The Impact of the Young Audience". Translation Spaces 3: 51-70.
2014. "Where is the audience? Testing the audience reception of non-professional subtitling" In Translation Research Projects 5, E. Torres-Simon and D. Orrego-Carmona (eds). Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.
2013. "Using Non-Professional Subtitling Platforms for Translator Training". Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.15: 129-144.
2013. "Entrevista a Jorge Díaz Cintas: Contexto actual de los estudios en traducción audiovisual", with Jorge Díaz-Cintas. Mutatis Mutandis 6(2): 549-560.
2013. "Avance de la traducción audiovisual: desde los inicios hasta la era digital". Mutatis Mutandis 6(2): 297-320.
Forthcoming. Status and technology in the professionalization of translators. Market disorder and the return of hierarchy. With Anthony Pym and Esther Torres-Simón (2014).
Forthcoming. Internal Structures and Workflows in Collaborative Subtitling. (Presented at the First International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation and submitted for publication in April 2013)
Conference presentations
2016. "Tracking the distribution of non-professional subtitles to explore the impact of the non-professional subtitling phenomenon" paper delivered at the 3rd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics, Winterthur. May 5-7. With Richter, S.
2016. "Subtitling Process Research: eye tracking and the process of subtitling" poster presented at the TRA&CO Symposium 2016, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Germersheim. April 27-29. With Dutka, Ł. and Szarkowska, A.
2016. "Research data as an aid in teaching technical competence in subtitling" paper delivered at 1st CTER Congress: Inspirations for Translation Pedagogy. Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow. March 14-16. With Dutka, Ł. and Szarkowska, A.
2015. "Exploring the reception of (non)professional subtitling using eye tracking" paper delivered at the International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics - ICEAL 2015. University of Warsaw and University of Mainz, Warsaw. September 21-22.
2015. "Can translator training benefit from non-professional subtitling communities?" paper delivered at 5th IATIS -Conference, Innovation paths in translation and intercultural studies. Belo Horizonte. July 7-10.
2014."Should Translation Studies be looking at user-generated subtitling?" paper delivered at theLanguages and the Media, 10th International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media. Berlin. November 5-7.
2014. "Different Audiences, Different Behaviors: On the Reception of Subtitles by Users with Different Levels of L2" paper delivered at the International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics - ICEAL 2014. University of Warsaw and University of Mainz, Warsaw. September 26-27.
2014. "Exploring Young Audience Reception of Professional and Non-Professional Subtitling: Is There a Difference?" paper delivered at the 2nd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation. University of Mainz, Germersheim. May 29-31.
2013. "Could non-professional subtitling be good enough for the young online audience?", paper delivered at theNew Convergences: Theory and Practice in Translation Conference. Queen's University Belfast, UK. October 31-November 1.
2013. "What if the audience understands? A reception study of nonprofessional translation", paper delivered at the 5th International Conference Media for All. Audiovisual Translation: Expanding Borders. University of Zagreb. Dubrovnik, Croatia. September 25-27.
2013. "What is the Audience Response to Non-professional Subtitling?", paper delivered at the 7th EST Congress. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Germersheim, Germany. August 29 - September 1.
2013."What can translator training learn from non-professional subtitling communities?", paper delivered at the Subtitling: A Collective Approach. University of Nottingham. Notthingham, UK. July 12-13.
2013. "Collaborative subtitling: What is the position of the audience", New Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies 2013. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona, Spain. July 1-2.
2012. "An Empirical Study on Non-professional Subtitling", paper delivered at the 24th CETRA Summer School. KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium. August 20-31.
2012. "aRGENTeaM, (non)professional translation processes in fansubbing", paper delivered at the III Simposio Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Traducción, Interpretación, Estudios Interculturales y Estudios de Asia Oriental. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain. June 29.
2012. "Descriptive Study of Fansubbing into Spanish: The case of Argenteam", paper delivered at the First International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation. Università di Bologna. Forlì, Italy. May 17-19.
2011. "Fansubbing and quality: Is professional translation at risk?", poster presented at the 4th International Media for All Conference - Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock. Imperial College London. London, United Kingdom. June 28 - July 1.
Invited talks
2016. "Subtitling or dubbing? Answers from eye tracking experiments". Departament d'Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona, Spain. May 12.
2015. "The reception of subtitles: different audiences and different types of subtitling". Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland. November 24.
2015. "Using eye tracking to explore the reception of translation". Eye Tracking Research Center, Psychology Department. University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Warsaw, Poland. November 3.
2015. "Aplicaciones de los entornos colaborativos de traducción a la formación de traductores" Libro Abierto, sesión 275. Escuela de Idiomas. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin, Colombia.
2015. "La subtitulación desde el punto de vista de la audiencia: un estudio sobre subtitulación profesional y no profesional". Cátedra Abierta en Traductología, sesión LXXX. Grupo de Investigación en Traductología. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. June 10.
2015. "Creació i usos de la subtitulació no professional en els audiovisuals" Premis DEAA/MACMILLAN.
2014. "Applications of Eye Tracking in Translation Studies" Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione (SSLMIT). Università degli Studi di Trieste. Trieste, Italy. June 22.
2013."La subtitulación no profesional: nuevas fronteras de la traductología" Libro Abierto. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. January 22.
Viva: April 15, 2015
Examining committee:
Dr. Frederic Chaume Varela, Universitat Jaume I.
Dr. Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow, Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
Dr. Alberto Fernández Costales, Universidad de Oviedo.
External experts:
Dr. Christopher Taylor, University of Trieste
Dr. Sara Ramos-Pinto, University of Leeds