PHB2007-0020-PC, PHB2007-0019-TA), PHB2007-0021-TA), 2008-09
A joint training and research project in conjunction with the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Project proposal
Modality A - exchange of staff PHB2007-0020-PC: Solicitud / Memoria del proyecto / Propuesta de intercambio / Historial grupo español / Historial grupo brasileño (Spanish grant is 3.025 euros x 2.) Pym to Brazil 12 July - 2 August 2008.
Modality B - seminars
1. Seminar in Sao Paolo (PHB2007-0019-TA), July 28 - August 2, 2008:Solicitud / Memoria / Presupuesto (Spanish grant is 5,685 euros.)
2. Seminar in Tarragona (PHB2007-0021-TA), June 8-11 2008 (coordination and practice activities through to July 15): Solicitud / Memoria / Presupuesto. (Spanish grant is 5,250 euros, excluding hotels and restaurants.)
3. Seminar in Tarragona, 2009: Corpus Linguistics, Translation and Terminology, Stella E. O. Tagnin (University of Sao Paolo, Brazil), May 2009.
4. Seminar in Tarragona, 2009: Translation and new technologies - A reflection on ethical aspects. Lenita Maria Rimoli Esteves (University of Sao Paolo, Brazil). June 27, 2009.