Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Esther Torres-Simón

Esther Torres-Simón holds a B.A. in Translation and Interpreting (Spanish-English-Japanese) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies from Universitat Rovira i Virgili. She was a lecturer at Chonbuk National University (Jeonju), the University of Yonsei (Seoul) and Universidad Europea del Atlántico (Santander). She is part of the Intercultural Studies Group, and Estudos de Tradução e Recepção, and participates in the Indirectrans Network. She currently teaches at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and collaborates with the Open University of Catalonia. She also works as a freelance Korean-Spanish translator.

The Role of Translations in Post-bellum Image Building. Translations from Korean Published in the US after the Korean War

Supervisors: Anthony Pym, Joaquín Beltrán Antolín

Research Summary

The Korean War marks the beginning of a relationship between South Korea and the United States, in which both can obtain benefit. The need to introduce South Korea to the United States population as a justification to the collaboration of the army into a Civil War unrelated to their country will be shown in the sudden subventions and support to Korean translations into English. Translation will be carried out by people with a visible translation in society rather than by professional translators. In spite of these special characteristics, it is expected that translation will play a very minor role on the formation of image building on Korea, leaving this role to be played by pseudo-translations or indirect accounts. The comparison of a translation, a pseudo translation and an indirect account, with similar backgrounds will show the differences of vision from the source culture and the target culture.

Minor dissertation


Torres-Simón, E., Pięta, H., Bueno Maia, R., & Xavier, C. 2021. Indirect translation in translator training: taking stock and looking ahead. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 15 (2): 260-281. https://doi.org/10.1080/1750399X.2020.1868173

Torres-Simón, E. and Laura Ivaska. 2020 "Poster presentations in Translation Studies: State of the art and seven tips for improvement", MikaEL 13, 138-157.

Torres-Simón, E. 2019 "The concept of 'translation' in Wikipedia", Translation Studies, 12-3, 273-287. https://doi.org/10.1080/14781700.2018.1534605

Torres-Simón, E and Anthony Pym. 2019 "EMT Masters in translation: A comparative study", in David Sawyer, Frank Austermühl & Vanessa Enríquez Raído (eds), The Evolving Curriculum in Interpreter and Translator Education, ATA Scholarly Monograph Series.

Torres-Simón, Esther and Anthony Pym. 2016. "The Professional Backgrounds of Translation Scholars. Report on a survey" Target 28(1): 110-131. DOI: 10.1075/target.28.1.05tor. Translated by Isabella Leite, Paula Vianna and Adauto Villela as A bagagem profissional de estudiosos da tradução. Relatório de uma pesquisaRónai. Revista de Estudos Clássicos e tradutórios 3(1): 16-34.

Pym, Anthony, David Orrego-Carmona and Esther Torres-Simón. 2016. "Status and technology in the professionalization of translators. Market disorder and the return of hierarchy. "The Journal of Specialised Translation 25: 33-53.

Pym, Anthony and Esther Torres-Simón. 2016. "Designing a course in Translation Studies to respond to students' questions." The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10 (2): 183-203. DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2016.1198179

Torres-Simón, Esther. 2015. "Hidden struggles: Presentations of Korea in translated Korean literature", Journal of Multicultural Discourses 10-3.

Torres-Simón, Esther and David Orrego-Carmona. 2015. "Effect of translation strategies in reading manga: A reception experiment", in. N. Mälzer, ed. Comics-Übersetzungen und Adaptionen. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Torres-Simón, Ester. 2015. "From Priests to Academics: Professional development of Korean translators" in A. Fuertes-Puerta, E. Torres-Simon, eds. And Translation Changed the World (and the World Changed Translation). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.​

Torres-Simón, Ester and Alberto Fuertes, (eds.) 2015. And Translation Changed the World (and the World Changed Translation). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.

Torres-Simón, Ester and Anthony Pym. 2014. "The pedagogical value of translation solution types.Perspectives, Studies in Translatology.

Torres-Simón, Ester and David Orrego-Carmona (eds.). 2014. Translation Research Projects 5. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.

Kang, Nehui and Torres, Esther, trans. 2014. "Reforma Universitaria Neoliberal y el Intercambio Internacional de Intelectuales" a Traces: A Multilingual Series of Cultural Theory and Translation en español, Bellaterra, UAB.

Torres, Esther. 2012. "Otras opciones con identidad propia: el manhwa coreano", in Puertas a la LecturaF. Cid Lucas (ed), 24, 146-159.

Torres, Esther. 2010. "Who came first? Time-Travelling Translations" in A. Pym, A; Perekrestenko, eds.Translation Research Projects 3. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.

Torres, Esther. 2009. "El lector de manga, ¿un crítico orientalista?". InterAsia Papers, nº6, 1-1.

Poupaud, Sandra, Anthony Pym, Ester Torres Simón. 2008. Finding translations. On the use of bibliographical databases in translation historyMeta 54-2 (2009), 264-278.

Torres, Esther. 2008. "Non-Standard Translation Practices in Post-Bellum Korea". Forum, 6-2. (ISSN: 1598-7647)

Torres, Esther. 2008.   "Sijo en la lengua de Cervantes" a San Ginés Aguilar, P. (ed). Nuevas Perspectivas de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico. Granada: Universidad de Granada.

Conference Presentations

2015 "Reading comics, reading cultures?", in The Translation and Adaptation of Comics, University of Hildesheim, October 31-November 2. with David Orrego-Carmona

2014 "What happens when you teach Western translation models to Chinese students and Chinese translation models to Western students?", Pechakucha in didTrad PACTE 2014: II Congrés Internacional sobre Investigació en Didàctica de la Traducció, Bellaterra, July 5-7. with Anthony Pym

2014 "Ojos que no ven... Ausencia de sufrimiento en la presentación de la literatura coreana", in Foro Español de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico, Universidad de Granada, March 6-8.

2013 "Does the history of events control translation? On the relative importance of history in translation", East and West Conference on Translation Studies: Translation History Matters, Zhuhai, Sun Yat Sen University, September 28-30.

2013 "Hidden Struggles: Don't judge Korean books by the cover", in VI New Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Tarragona, URV, July 2-4.

2011  "Deporte, relaciones internacionales e interculturalidad: fútbol español 2.0 en Asia Oriental" en el Congreso Procesos Interculturales de Asia Oriental en la sociedad internacional de la información: Ciudadanía, género y producción cultural, Barcelona, November 24-25.

2010  "¿Y qué libro coreano me recomienda?: Estudio de caso sobre el acceso final a la literatura coreana" en I Spain KLTI Forum, Universidad de Málaga, May 18-19.

2010  "Heterogeneity in the Homogeneity" en 7th International Conference on Translation: The Paratextuals Elements in Translation, Bellaterra, UAB, June 21-22.

2009  "Time-travelling translations" en III New Translation Studies Research Conference, Tarragona, June 25-27.

2009  "La presentación de las literaturas asiáticas" en Seminario Internacional Interasia: Interculturalidad en Asia Oriental en la Era de la GlobalizaciónUAB-CIDOB, Barcelona, January 12.

2008  "El lector de manga, ¿un crítico orientalista?" en I Jornadas Interasia, Bellaterra, December 21.

2007  "Urgency in translation as seen in Post-Bellum Korea" en New Translation Studies Research Conference, Tarragona. 

2006  "Image Building in Post-bellum Korea" en CETRA 2006, Centre d'Etudes sur la Traduction, la Communication et les Cultures, Misano, Italia.

2003  "Aproximación a la traducción coreano-español, el ejemplo de Chunhyang-chon" en el Congreso de Lingüistas de Corea,  Jeonju, Corea.

Viva: July 2, 2013

Examining committee :
Dr. Seán Goldren (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Dr. Kayoko Takeda (Monterey Institute of International Studies)
Dr. MªTeresa Rodríguez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Doctoral thesis here

PhD with distinction URV (Premi extraordinari de doctorat 2013-14).