Esther Torres-Simón holds a B.A. in Translation and Interpreting (Spanish-English-Japanese) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies from Universitat Rovira i Virgili. She was a lecturer at Chonbuk National University (Jeonju), the University of Yonsei (Seoul) and Universidad Europea del Atlántico (Santander). She is part of the Intercultural Studies Group, and Estudos de Tradução e Recepção, and participates in the Indirectrans Network. She currently teaches at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and collaborates with the Open University of Catalonia. She also works as a freelance Korean-Spanish translator.
The Role of Translations in Post-bellum Image Building. Translations from Korean Published in the US after the Korean War
Supervisors: Anthony Pym, Joaquín Beltrán Antolín
Research Summary
The Korean War marks the beginning of a relationship between South Korea and the United States, in which both can obtain benefit. The need to introduce South Korea to the United States population as a justification to the collaboration of the army into a Civil War unrelated to their country will be shown in the sudden subventions and support to Korean translations into English. Translation will be carried out by people with a visible translation in society rather than by professional translators. In spite of these special characteristics, it is expected that translation will play a very minor role on the formation of image building on Korea, leaving this role to be played by pseudo-translations or indirect accounts. The comparison of a translation, a pseudo translation and an indirect account, with similar backgrounds will show the differences of vision from the source culture and the target culture.
Torres-Simón, E., Pięta, H., Bueno Maia, R., & Xavier, C. 2021. Indirect translation in translator training: taking stock and looking ahead. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 15 (2): 260-281.
Torres-Simón, E. and Laura Ivaska. 2020 "Poster presentations in Translation Studies: State of the art and seven tips for improvement", MikaEL 13, 138-157.
Torres-Simón, E. 2019 "The concept of 'translation' in Wikipedia", Translation Studies, 12-3, 273-287.
Torres-Simón, E and Anthony Pym. 2019 "EMT Masters in translation: A comparative study", in David Sawyer, Frank Austermühl & Vanessa Enríquez Raído (eds), The Evolving Curriculum in Interpreter and Translator Education, ATA Scholarly Monograph Series.
Torres-Simón, Esther and Anthony Pym. 2016. "The Professional Backgrounds of Translation Scholars. Report on a survey" Target 28(1): 110-131. DOI: 10.1075/target.28.1.05tor. Translated by Isabella Leite, Paula Vianna and Adauto Villela as A bagagem profissional de estudiosos da tradução. Relatório de uma pesquisa, Rónai. Revista de Estudos Clássicos e tradutórios 3(1): 16-34.
Pym, Anthony, David Orrego-Carmona and Esther Torres-Simón. 2016. "Status and technology in the professionalization of translators. Market disorder and the return of hierarchy. "The Journal of Specialised Translation 25: 33-53.
Pym, Anthony and Esther Torres-Simón. 2016. "Designing a course in Translation Studies to respond to students' questions." The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 10 (2): 183-203. DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2016.1198179
Torres-Simón, Esther. 2015. "Hidden struggles: Presentations of Korea in translated Korean literature", Journal of Multicultural Discourses 10-3.
Torres-Simón, Esther and David Orrego-Carmona. 2015. "Effect of translation strategies in reading manga: A reception experiment", in. N. Mälzer, ed. Comics-Übersetzungen und Adaptionen. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
Torres-Simón, Ester. 2015. "From Priests to Academics: Professional development of Korean translators" in A. Fuertes-Puerta, E. Torres-Simon, eds. And Translation Changed the World (and the World Changed Translation). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Torres-Simón, Ester and Alberto Fuertes, (eds.) 2015. And Translation Changed the World (and the World Changed Translation). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Torres-Simón, Ester and Anthony Pym. 2014. "The pedagogical value of translation solution types." Perspectives, Studies in Translatology.
Torres-Simón, Ester and David Orrego-Carmona (eds.). 2014. Translation Research Projects 5. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.
Kang, Nehui and Torres, Esther, trans. 2014. "Reforma Universitaria Neoliberal y el Intercambio Internacional de Intelectuales" a Traces: A Multilingual Series of Cultural Theory and Translation en español, Bellaterra, UAB.
Torres, Esther. 2012. "Otras opciones con identidad propia: el manhwa coreano", in Puertas a la Lectura, F. Cid Lucas (ed), 24, 146-159.
Torres, Esther. 2010. "Who came first? Time-Travelling Translations" in A. Pym, A; Perekrestenko, eds.Translation Research Projects 3. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.
Torres, Esther. 2009. "El lector de manga, ¿un crítico orientalista?". InterAsia Papers, nº6, 1-1.
Poupaud, Sandra, Anthony Pym, Ester Torres Simón. 2008. Finding translations. On the use of bibliographical databases in translation history. Meta 54-2 (2009), 264-278.
Torres, Esther. 2008. "Non-Standard Translation Practices in Post-Bellum Korea". Forum, 6-2. (ISSN: 1598-7647)
Torres, Esther. 2008. "Sijo en la lengua de Cervantes" a San Ginés Aguilar, P. (ed). Nuevas Perspectivas de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico. Granada: Universidad de Granada.
Conference Presentations
2015 "Reading comics, reading cultures?", in The Translation and Adaptation of Comics, University of Hildesheim, October 31-November 2. with David Orrego-Carmona
2014 "What happens when you teach Western translation models to Chinese students and Chinese translation models to Western students?", Pechakucha in didTrad PACTE 2014: II Congrés Internacional sobre Investigació en Didàctica de la Traducció, Bellaterra, July 5-7. with Anthony Pym
2014 "Ojos que no ven... Ausencia de sufrimiento en la presentación de la literatura coreana", in Foro Español de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico, Universidad de Granada, March 6-8.
2013 "Does the history of events control translation? On the relative importance of history in translation", East and West Conference on Translation Studies: Translation History Matters, Zhuhai, Sun Yat Sen University, September 28-30.
2013 "Hidden Struggles: Don't judge Korean books by the cover", in VI New Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Tarragona, URV, July 2-4.
2011 "Deporte, relaciones internacionales e interculturalidad: fútbol español 2.0 en Asia Oriental" en el Congreso Procesos Interculturales de Asia Oriental en la sociedad internacional de la información: Ciudadanía, género y producción cultural, Barcelona, November 24-25.
2010 "¿Y qué libro coreano me recomienda?: Estudio de caso sobre el acceso final a la literatura coreana" en I Spain KLTI Forum, Universidad de Málaga, May 18-19.
2010 "Heterogeneity in the Homogeneity" en 7th International Conference on Translation: The Paratextuals Elements in Translation, Bellaterra, UAB, June 21-22.
2009 "Time-travelling translations" en III New Translation Studies Research Conference, Tarragona, June 25-27.
2009 "La presentación de las literaturas asiáticas" en Seminario Internacional Interasia: Interculturalidad en Asia Oriental en la Era de la Globalización, UAB-CIDOB, Barcelona, January 12.
2008 "El lector de manga, ¿un crítico orientalista?" en I Jornadas Interasia, Bellaterra, December 21.
2007 "Urgency in translation as seen in Post-Bellum Korea" en New Translation Studies Research Conference, Tarragona.
2006 "Image Building in Post-bellum Korea" en CETRA 2006, Centre d'Etudes sur la Traduction, la Communication et les Cultures, Misano, Italia.
2003 "Aproximación a la traducción coreano-español, el ejemplo de Chunhyang-chon" en el Congreso de Lingüistas de Corea, Jeonju, Corea.
Viva: July 2, 2013
Examining committee :
Dr. Seán Goldren (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Dr. Kayoko Takeda (Monterey Institute of International Studies)
Dr. MªTeresa Rodríguez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
PhD with distinction URV (Premi extraordinari de doctorat 2013-14).