The following scholars have given seminars and/or have directed or co-directed theses in our doctoral program.
Rosemary Arrojo Professor of Comparative Literature. Director of the Center for Translation Research, State University of New York, Binghamton, United States. Author of Oficina de Tradução: A Teoria na Prática (1986), O Signo Desconstruído: Implicações para a Tradução, a Leitura e o Ensino (1992), Tradução, Desconstrução e Psicanálise (1993). |
Associate Professor with the University of Auckland, New Zealand, where he is the director of the Centre for Translation Studies and Interpreting. His main research interests include the link between translation and technology as well as political discourse analysis. Frank has an MA in Translation Studies (with German, English, and Spanish) and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and has taught at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mainz in Germany. Frank's publications include the recently released The Great American Scaffold -- Intertextuality and Identity in American Presidential Discourse (Benjamins 2014), Electronic Tools for Translators (St. Jerome 2001), Übersetzen im Infomationszeitalter (WVT 2001), Humanities Education and the Challenge of e-Learning (2000, with D. Apollon), and Learning Theories and Practice in Translation Studies (2008, with J. Kornelius), as well numerous articles and book chapters in the field of translation studies as well as discourse and American studies. A former Fulbright fellow at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA., Frank currently serves as the Associate Dean International for the University of Auckland's Faculty of Arts. |
Professor and Head of the Department of Translation, Lingnan University. He was Assistant Inspector of Schools in Hong Kong in the 1980s, and later taught at the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, Indiana University, Georgetown University, and the University of Maryland. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, USA (1991-92) and a Visiting Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan (spring 2014). |
Andrew Chesterman was born in England but moved to Finland in 1968 and has been based there ever since, mainly at the University of Helsinki, where his main subjects have been English and translation theory. In 2010 he retired from his post as professor of multilingual communication, but continues to be active in Translation Studies, refereeing, writing, and giving occasional lectures. His main research interests have been in contrastive analysis; translation theory, translation norms, universals, and ethics; and research methodology. He was CETRA Professor in 1999 (Catholic University of Leuven), and has an honorary doctorate from the Copenhagen Business School. Main books: On Definiteness (1991, CUP); Memes of Translation (1997, Benjamins); Contrastive Functional Analysis (1998, Benjamins); with Emma Wagner: Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface (2002, St. Jerome Publishing); and with Jenny Williams: The Map. A Beginners' Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies (2002, St. Jerome Publishing). |
Michael Cronin holds a Personal Chair in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Dublin City University, Ireland. He is author of Translating Ireland: Translation, Languages and Identity (Cork University Press, 1996); Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation (Cork University Press, 2000);Translation and Globalization (London, Routledge, 2003). Time Tracks: Scenes from the Irish Everyday (Dublin, New Island, 2003); Irish in the New Century/An Ghaeilge san AoisNua (Dublin, Cois Life, 2005), Translation and Identity (Routledge, 2006); The Barrytown Trilogy (Cork University Press: Ireland into Film series, 2007); Translation goes to the Movies (Routledge 2009),The Expanding World: Towards a Politics of Microspection (Zero Books, 2012) and Translation in the Digital Age (Routledge, 2013). |
Professor of Culture Research and Porter Chair Professor of Semiotics at Tel Aviv University. His research in recent years has been clustering around initiatives of change for the management of social and personal life, and their relations to the sustainability of societies. Such initiatives are taken by "idea-makers" and often implemented by "cultural entrepreneurs". Conceptually, this work is based on concepts of heterogeneity (or complexity), partly developed earlier by Even-Zohar under the name of "Polysystem theory". In earlier stages of his work he also contributed to the study of translation as a complex and dynamic activity governed by system relations rather than by a-priori fixed parameters of comparative language capabilities. This has subsequently led to studies on literary interference, eventually analyzed in terms of intercultural relations. His major books are Papers in Historical Poetics (Tel Aviv, 1978), and Polysystem Studies (Durham: Duke UP; =Poetics Today 11:1), 1990. A new collection of papers, Papers in Culture Research will include his papers since 1993. |
Professor emeritus at the Centre for Translation and Interpretation, University of Turku, Finland; Has published more than 130 articles and edited or co-edited 22 books, including Communication audiovisuelle et transferts linguistiques (1995), Transferts linguistiques dans les médias audiovisuels (1996), Language Transfer and Audiovisual Communication. A Bibliography (1998), Multimedia & Translation (2001), special issues of Meta and The Translator on screen translation (2003), and Handbooks in Translation Studies (4 volumes, 2010-2013). He is also co-editor of TSB (Translation Studies Bibliography). |
Former mathematician, former Associate Professor of Japanese. 1993 CERA Professor. Professor of Translation, ESIT - Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France. AIIC Conference Interpreter. Author/co-editor of 10 books and about 210 papers. Many texts on methodological issues in translation and interpreting research. Co-editor of the EST Newsletter. Editor of the CIRIN Bulletin. |
Born of Irish parents in London. Early childhood in Ballina and Ballaghaderreen (Ireland). Schooled in Connecticut and Massachusetts (USA). Returned to the home place in Ireland to live. Worked some years in Tianjin (China). Before China, a specialist in Irish Studies and James Joyce; after, a specialist in cross-cultural studies, the social history of translation, as well as Chinese thought, politics, and international relations. Divides his time now among Barcelona (Spain), Ballyconnell (Sligo, Ireland) and Beijing (China). Foremr Dean of the Faculty of Translation & Interpreting, current Director of the East Asian Studies & Research Centre, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Co-editor of Soft Day: A Miscellany of Contemporary Irish Literature (1980), co-editor and translator of 100 Modern Chinese Poems (1987), Gu Cheng: Selected Poems (1990) Mala herba de Lu Xun (1994), Sunzi. L'Art de la guerra(2000,2007, 2014), Laozi. Daodejing. El llibre del "dao" i del "de" (2000, 2006), Lao Tsé. El Libro del Tao (2012), China en perspectiva. Análises e interpretaciones (2012). |
Professor of Dutch and Comparative Literature, University College London, United Kingdom. Editor of the semininal volume The Mipulation of Literature (1985). Author of Translation in Systems. Descriptive and Systemic Approaches Explained (1999). |
Research professor, Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen Business School. Director of the Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology (CRITT) Developer of Translog. Member of the European research project Eye to IT, using eye-tracking to analyze human-computer interaction. Author of a series of articles on empirical research on translation processes. |
Full Professor of Translation at the University of Granada and Director of the AVANTI research group. She is author of Prensa e identidad nacional: la imagen de España en la prensa británica and A Handbook for Translator Trainers, and of numerous journal articles and book chapters, especially on translator education and trainer training, but also on directionality and intercultural communication. She was a member of the European Master's in Translation (EMT) expert group at the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission, and has recently resumed her role as editor of the Interpreter and Translator Trainer. She is also currently Vice Rector for International Relations and Development Cooperation at her University. |
Associate Professor, School of Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies, University of Mainz, Germany. A specialist in translator training methodology, he has coordinated major research projets on the improvement of translation skills instruction and the use of the computer as a tool in translation skills instruction. He is the author of Pathways to Translation (1995) and A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education: Empowerment from Theory to Practice (2000). |
Former Professor of General Literature, Kathokikese Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium. Co-editor of the journal Target. International Journal of Translation Studies; director of the Leuven Centre for the Study of Translation and Cultures (CETRA). Author of more than 100 articles, and co-editor of Literature and Translation. New Perspectives in Literary Studies (1978), Translation in the Development of Literatures - Les Traductions dans le développement des littératures (1993), Translation and Modernization (1995), Translation Studies in Hungary (1996), Crosscultural and Linguistic Perspectives on European Open and Distance Learning (1998), Under Construction. Links for the Site of Literary Theory (2000), The Future of Cultural Studies (2000), Übersetzung - Translation - Traduction. Ein Internationales Handbuch zur Übersetzungsforschung (perpetually forthcoming). |
Professor of Translation Studies in the University of Macau since 2014. Previously he taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Nanjing Normal University and most recently School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, where he served as Chair of the Centre for Translation Studies. He was also Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University during 2006-2011 and Xingtaowan Chair Professor of Translation Studies at Shanghai Jiaotong University cum Expert of the Shanghai Plan-1000. |
Associate Professor at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto where she teaches and does research in the areas of linguistics, translation, human language technologies, and terminology, and is a member of the Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto. She coordinates PhD programmes in Translation and Human Language Technologies, as well as a Master's degree in Translation and Language Services that is part of the EMT Network. She was a member of the Board of the EMT 2009-14. |
Former Dean, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.; Chair of Interpreting and Translation; Director, Centre for Interpreting and Translation Studies in Scotland. |
Former professor of translation at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. He has translated Joyce (Ulysses, Dubliners, Giacomo Joyce), Beckett, Pinter, Fielding and Thomas Moore into Catalan. His academic publications include Llengua de tribu i llengua de polis. Bases d'una traducció literària (1991), De bona llengua, de bon humor (1994) and the editing of Traducció i català estàndard (2002). In 1998 the government of Catalonia awarded him the Creu de Sant Jordi for his services to Catalan culture as a translator and teacher. See homage here. |
John Milton is Titular Professor, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, teaching English Literature at undergraduate level and Translation Studies at M.A. and Ph. D. level. He is also the Coordinator of the M.A. and Ph.D. programmes in Translation Studies at USP. His main academic interest is in the theory, history, sociology and politics of translation and has published several books in Brazil and edited (with Paul Bandia) Agents of Translation, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009. He has also published many articles in Brazil, and in Target and The Translator, and has also translated poetry from Portuguese into English, and, together with Alberto Marsicano, the poetry of Keats, Wordsworth and Shelley into Portuguese. |
Former chair of Translation Studies and Specialized Communication at the University of Applied Sciences of Magdeburg, Germany, 1998-2000 Vice Rector. Appr. 80 publications on translation theory, methodology, pedagogy, among them Text Analysis in Translation (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1991), Translating as a Purposeful Activity (Manchester: St. Jerome 1997). Several translations, among them, together with her husband Klaus Berger, a German translation of the New Testament and Early Christian literature (1999). |
Associate Professor of Interpreting Studies in the Center for Translation Studies, University of Vienna. Author of several books, including Introducing Interpreting Studies (2004), and co-editor, with Miriam Shlesinger, of The Interpreting Studies Reader (2002). He is co-editor of Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting. |
Professor of Translation and Intercultural Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. Author of Translation and Text Transfer (1992), Epistemological Problems in Translation and its Teaching (1993), Pour une éthique du traducteur (1997), Method in Translation History (1998), Negotiating the Frontier: Translators and Intercultures in Hispanic History (2000), The Moving Text: Localization, Distribution, and Translation (2004), and and Exploring Translation Theories (2010/2014). Editor of L'Internationalité littéraire (1988), Mites australians (1990) and the series Translation Theories Explained and Translation Practices Explained (St Jerome); co-editor of Les formations en traduction et interprétation. Essai de recensement mondial (1995), Sociocultural Approaches to Translating and Interpreting (2006). Homepage here |
Professor of Translation Studies and Director of Postgraduate Programs at Aston University, Birmingham. |
Miriam Shlesinger († Nov. 10 2012) Professor, Department of Translation and Interpretation Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. Co-editor of The Interpreting Studies Reader (2002) and Sociocultural Approaches to Translating and Interpreting (2006). CETRA Professor 2007. Homage and tributes here. |
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Christopher Scott-Tennent († Dec. 17 2011) Director of undergraduate translation courses of the English Department, Universitat Rovira i Virgil, Spain. Coordinator of empirical research projects on the teaching of translation strategies. Chris died unexpectedly on December 17, 2011. |
Daniel Simeoni († Nov. 3 2007) Much-loved and much-regretted former Director of Translation Program, Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University (Toronto, Canada). Co-author of Mots / Représentations. Enjeux dans les contacts interethniques et interculturels (1994), Les convergences culturelles dans les sociétés pluriethniques (1996), Catégorisation épistémique, catégorisation praxéologique (1999) and Variations de la perception catégorielle. Enjeux énonciatifs et interculturels (2002). |
Full Professor of Poetics, Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Author of Translational Norms and Literary Translation into Hebrew, 1930-1945 (1977), In Search of a Theory of Translation (1980), Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond (1995), editor of Translation Theory: (A Reader) (1980), Translation Across Cultures (1987), Introducing Translation Theory: Selected Articles (1991), co-editor of German Literature Before and After (1982), Translation Theory and Intercultural Relations (1981), Roman Jakobson, Semiotics, Linguistics, Poetics: Selected Articles (1986), Hebrew: A Living Language - Studies on the Language in Social and Cultural Contexts (1992, 1999), general editor of the journal Target. International Journal of Translation Studies; editor of the Benjamins Translation Library series. |
Harish Trivedi Professor of English, Univesity of Delhi, India. Co-editor of Post-colonial Translation: Theory and Practice (1999), "Focus on Translation," special issue of Wasafiri (London), (2003). and The Nation across the World: Postcolonial Literary Representations (2007). CETRA Professor in 2006. |
Catherine Way is Senior Lecturer in Translation at the University of Granada and member of the AVANTI research group. She has published on legal translation and translator training, co-edited several books, is a member of the Editorial Boards of the journal Puentes and of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (previously the Editor). She is a member of the Advisory Board of Fachsprache, ILLD, the book series Aprende a traducir and has peer reviewed for several publishers. She has recently co-edited the Proceedings of the 6th EST Conference. Her main fields of research are Legal Translation, Translator Training and Court Interpreting. |
Associate Professor at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Graz. CETRA chair in 2013. Areas of teaching and research include translation sociology, translation history, translation and visual anthropology, and interpreting in Nazi concentration camps. She is the author of Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens. Übersetzen und Dolmetschen in der Habsburgermonarchie 1848 bis 1918 (2012; English translation 2015). She (co-)edited a series of books and has extensively published in Translation Studies journals and essay collections. |