We want to know when and why people solve language problems using lingua francas, interpreters, translators, translation technologies or intercomprehension.
Mobility and Inclusion in a Multilingual Europe (MIME). EU Large-Scale Integrating Project (SSH.2013.5.2-1). (2014-18). This site brings together materials for Work Package 4 "Mediation". Team members in 2018 (left to right): Alice Fiorentino, Machtheld Muelleman, Nike Pokorn, Anthony Pym, Nune Ayvazyan, Sabine Fiedler, Cyril Brosch.
Reports and publications
Mediation StrategiesSpecial issue of Language Problems and Language Planning 42:3 (2018)Anthony Pym, Introduction: Why mediation strategies are important Sabine Fiedler and Agnes Wohlfarth, Language choices and practices of migrants in Germany: An interview study Nike K. Pokorn and Jaka Čibej, "It's so vital to learn Slovene": Mediation choices by asylum seekers in Slovenia Nike K. Pokorn and Jaka Čibej, "Do I want to learn a language spoken by two million people?": Mediation choices by mid-term and long-term migrants Alice Fiorentino, The complementary nature of linguistic mediation in transnational adoption mobility Nune Ayvazyan and Anthony Pym, Mediation choice in immigrant groups: A study of Russian speakers in southern Catalonia |
Ayvazyan, Nune. 2017. Translation in foreign-language teaching and learning. Phd thesis. Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
Brosch, C. 2015. On the conceptual history of the term Lingua Franca. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies 9(1). 71-85.
Brosch, C. 2018. Esperanto als Mittlersprache bei längerfristiger Mobilität. In Fiedler & Brosch (eds.) 2018, 69-90.
Fiedler, S. 2017. Lingua-franca-Kommunikation - wirklich ein Fall des Let- it-pass?. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik 2017. 57-71.
Fiedler, S. & Brosch, C. (eds.). 2018. Flucht, Exil, Migration - Sprachliche Herausforderungen. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
Fiedler, S. & Brosch, C. 2018. Esperanto - a lingua franca in use. A case study on an educational NGO. Language Problems and Language Planning 42(2). 195-221.
Fiorentino, A. (2017). Strategies for language maintenance in transnational adoption: which role for the parents? Journal of Home Language Research (JHLR), (2), 5-22.
Fiorentino, A., Castagne, E. (2017). Médiation linguistique et inclusion : le cas des familles adoptives. Synergies Chili, (13), 39-54.
Fiorentino, A. (2018). The complementary nature of linguistic mediation in transnational adoption mobility. Accepted for publication in Language Problems & Language Planning, (42/3), 305-320.
Pokorn, Nike K. and J. Čibej. 2018. "It's so vital to learn Slovene": Mediation choices by asylum seekers in Slovenia. Language Problems and Language Planning 42/3: 265-284.
Pokorn, Nike K. and J. Čibej. 2018. "Do I want to learn a language spoken by two million people?": Mediation choices by mid-term and long-term migrants. Language Problems and Language Planning 42/3: 285-304.
Pokorn, Nike K. and J. Čibej. 2018. Interpreting and linguistic inclusion - friends or foes? Results from a field study. The Translator 24/2: 111-127.
Pokorn, Nike K., Iva Jevtić and Jaka Čibej. 2016: »Nočem biti odvisna«: Ali javne prevajalske in tolmaške storitve res negativno vplivajo na aktivno vključenost migrantov v državo gostiteljico?. Ars & Humanitas 10/2. http://dx.doi.org/10.4312/ah.10.2.47-62
Pokorn, Nike K., Lipovec Čebron, Uršula. Prispevek k oblikovanju prevodne politike Republike Slovenije. In: Lipovšek, Brigita (ur.). Prispevki. Ljubljana: Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za kulturo. 2017, str. 46-47. http://www.mk.gov.si/fileadmin/mk.gov.si /pageuploads/Ministrstvo/slovenski_jezik/2018/Zbornik-posvet_o_novem_NPJP.pdf.
Inception report (2014)
Trade-off tables (2015)
Periodic report (2015)
Ayvazyan, Nune, and Anthony Pym (May 2015) Mediation solutions of Russian-speakers in Salou, Catalonia
Brosch, Cyril (2015a) On the conceptual history of the term Lingua Franca. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies 9 (1), pp. 71-85.
Brosch, Cyril (2015b) Attitudes towards national accents in Esperanto in comparison to English as a Lingua Franca
Brosch, Cyril (2015c) The use of elements from Esperanto by people not speaking this language
Kruse, Jan (2015) Language choice in Euroregions
Research methodologies
Research instruments
Consent form and information sheet (simplified)
Enquête sur l'intercompréhension
Questionnaire for Slovenia and Tarragona
Parallel research
Bastardas-Boada, Albert. 2010. Language and identity policies in the 'glocal age' .Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.
Brugué, Quim, et al. 2013. Informe sobre la integració de les persones immigrades a Catalunya. Barcelona: Direcció General per a la Immigració, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Busch, Brigitta. 2010. Die Macht präbabylonischer Phantasien. Ressourcenorientiertes sprachbiographisches Arbeiten. In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 40: 58-82.
Busch, Brigitta. 2012. The Linguistic Repertoire Revisited. Applied Linguistics 33 (5): 503-523
Crepaz, Katharina. 2009. The EU Language Policies: Between Multilingualism, Minority Language Protection and English as the New Lingua Franca. Diplomarbeit. Universität Innsbruck.
Davidson, Michael. 2010. Culture Shock, Learning Shock and Re-entry Shock. Learning from internationalisation: Inclusive teaching about culture. University of Nottingham.
Dion, Kenneth L. 1998. Acculturation and immigration: social psychological perspectives. Metropolis Policy Priorities.
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria. 2012. An Investment Not an Expense. Enhancing health literacy in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. ECCV Policy Paper.
Filhon, Alexandra. 2013. Linguistic Practices in Migration. Models of Integration, Language Policies and Establishment of Social Hierarchy of Languages. INTERACT Research Report 2013/02. European University Institute. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
Hlavac, Jim. 2011. Questionnaire for study of recently arrived Iraqi language community in Melbourne.
Hlavac, Jim. 2011. Arabic questionnaire for study of recently arrived Iraqi language community in Melbourne.
Kimura, Goro Christoph. 2013. Strategien der sprachlichen Kommunikation an der deutsch-polnischen Grenze. In Polish: 2013. "Strategie komunikacji językowej na polsko-niemieckim pograniczu" in Język. Komunikacja. Informacja 8: 109-124.
Kimura, Goro Christoph. 2013. "Deterritorialització" a la regió fronterera germano-polonesa i la seva importància per al sòrab com a llengua minoritària: des del punt de vista del paisatge lingüístic. Translated by Josep Maria Millà.
Languages for Jobs. Providing multilingual communication skills for the labour market. Report from the thematic working group "Languages for Jobs" European Strategic Framework for Education and Training (ET 2020)
Seredyńska-Abou Eid, Renata. 2013. Polish Migrants in the East Midlands, UK: Translating Cultures - Adapting Lives
Seredyńska-Abou Eid, Renata. 2014. Questionnaire: Translating Cultures - Adapting Lives March 22, 2014
Seredyńska-Abou Eid, Renata. 2014. "Poles have adapted here, but the English haven't": Instructive Needs of Polish Migrants in the East Midlands
Ward, Colleen, and Arzu Rana-Deuba. 1999. Acculturation and Adaptation Revisited. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 30: 422-442.
Zucchi, Emiliano. 2012. Why hospitals should give language services equal importance (and funding). Research Centre for Languages & Cultures Annual Symposium University of South Australia, Adelaide, December 3-4, 2012.
Community interpreting
AHRQ. 2012. Improving Patient Safety Systems for Patients With Limited English Proficiency: A Guide for Hospitals
Foundation House (for Survivors of Torture). 2013. Promoting the engagement of interpreters in Victorian health services
Healthcare Interpreting in Slovenia. Project
Hlavac, Jim. 2011. Sociolinguistic profiles of users and providers of lay and professional interpreting services: The experiences of a recently arrived Iraqi language community in Melbourne. The International Journalfor Translation & Interpreting Research 3 (2).
Karliner, Leah S. et al. 2007. Do Professional Interpreters Improve Clinical Care for Patients with Limited English Proficiency? A Systematic Review of the Literature. HSR: Health Services Research 42 (2): 727-754.
Linholm, Mary et al. 2012. Professional Language Interpretation and Inpatient Length of Stay and Readmission Rates. Journal of General Internal Medicine 27(10):1294-9.
Pokorn, Nike, et al. Medical Interpreting in a New Member State. A Plea for a Proactive Approach: gives an example where lingua franca was rejected as a means of communication and a successful medical treatment was provided only after an interpreting service was established
Spector, Sarah Lichtman, Mara Youdelman. 2010. The high costs of language barriers in medical malpractice. Berkeley, CA: School of Public Health, University of California.
Börestam, Ulla. 2011. Scandigo Supermercado, Skandinavisk noticias S.L. och Scandinavian Building. Lite om företagsnamn med Skandinavisk profil bland utlandsskandinaver I Spanien. [About company names with a Scandinavian profile among Scandinavians living in Spain]. Namn och samhälle 26. Uppsala 2011
Börestam, Ulla. 2015. Excuse me, but can you tell me where the Nordic House is located? Linguistic strategies in inter-Nordic communication in Iceland illustrated through participant observation. Linguistics 53 (2): 219-254.
Castagne, Eric. 2014. Analyse SWOT task 4.4 : Intercompréhension 31 mars 2014
Castagne, Eric & Machteld Meulleman. 2014. Typologie de l'intercommunication internationale. 1er avril 2014
European Commission. 2012. Intercomprehension. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Klaveren, Simone van, Joanne de Vries, and Jan D. ten Thije. 2013.Practices and Potentials of Intercomprehension. Research into the efficiency of intercomprehension with regard to the workflow at the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission. Universiteit Utrecht.
Language learning
Fernandez, Sue. 2012. Promoting the benefits of language learning.Report to the Department of Education and Training. The University of Melbourne
Language technologies
Pym, Anthony 2006. Globalization and the politics of Translation Studies.
Lingua franca
Arcand, Jean-Louis and François Grin. 2013. "Chapter 11: Language in economic development. Is English special and is linguistic fragmentation bad?" In English and Development: Policy, pedagogy and development, 243-266. Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
Bolton, Kingsley, and Christiane Meierkord. 2013. English in contemporary Sweden: Perceptions, policies, and narrated practices. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17(1): 93-117.
Chan, Leo Tak-hung . 2014. Under the shadow of three lingua francae: repositioning translation in East Asia. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 1 (1): 12-27.
European Commission. 2011. Lingua franca: chimera or reality? Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
Gazzola, Michele, and François Grin. 2013. "Is ELF more effective and fair than translation? An evaluation of the EU's multilingual regime." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 23(1): 93-107.
Grin, François. 2005. L'enseignement des langues étrangères comme politique publique. Rapport établi à la demande du Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de l'école, 19.
Grin, François. 2010. Translation and the Dynamics of Multilingualism. Presentation at Translation Forum of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation, March 2010. Powerpoint here.
Kimura, Goro Cristoph. 2013. Linguistic communication strategies along the Polish-German border. Plus Poster of the same.